Monday, July 21, 2014

Time travel or Ancient Technology?

As we discover many fossils from ancient civilizations, even though most of them get hidden or never revealed to the public, there are some that escape the suppressors hands, like this one below; An ancient astronaut?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The other interpretations of the Holy Bible II.

Ezekiel 1:5 y el fuego parecia que eran cuantro criaturas vivientes. Y parecia que tenian forma de hombre.

A este punto Ezekiel esta mirando hacia arriba, el mira cuatro figuras rodeadas de fuego y vapor, que parecen estar vivas, tal vez por los movimientos inteligentes que estan realizando. Naves de algun tipo preparandose para aterrisar.

Ezekiel 1:6 pero cada uno tenia cuatro caras, y cuatro alas.

Ezekiel ahora puede mirar las naves mas cerca y puede mirar los detalles, cuatro alas, un helicoptero? 

Ezekiel 1:7 Las piernas estaban derechas, sus pies eran como esas de los becerros y brillaban como bronce bruñido.

Ezekiel ahora describe las patas de aterrizaje, las piernas tienen como amortiguadores y algun tipo de almuadilla redonda como las patas de los becerros, y brilla como bronce, bronze en ese tiempo era de los metales mas brillosos, por eso mismo utiliza este material para decir que era un metal brilloso.

Ezekiel 1:8 Y bajo las alas de los cuatro lados tenian manos como de hombre. Todas la cuatro tenian caras y alas.

Quizas estas manos sean algun tipo de manos mecanicas al los lados de estas naves. 

Ezekiel 1:9 y las alas tocaban una ala otra, cada una era derecha y dava hacia adelante, y no se tocaban a medida que avanzaban.

Ahora vemos que esta hablando completamente de un helicoptero, el dice como estas alas se mueven (en su percepcion para adelante) pero no se tocan.

Ezekiel 1:10 Y las caras parecias asi; cada una de las cuatro tenia la cara de un hombre, y en la derecha la cara de un leon, y en la izquierda la de un toro, y tambien cada una tenia la de una aguila.

Las superficies, que protejen los engrajes y otros controles arriba de los rotores, le parecen al profeta como caras. Las superficies son de figura irregular con algunos pedados levantados y otros coratados que asi le dan la aparencia de caras de hombre. Ahora que las caras estan mirando al mismo lugar, entonces podemos decir que los rotores estan sincronizados por lo tanto parados. Tambien el mensiona como hay caras de un leon, una aguila y un toro. Claro que si nos ponemos a pensar estos pueden ser logos de los grupos que estas naves pertenecen, una aguila pues de alguna fuerza armada aerea como la de E.U., una cara de un leon, como el logo de las fuerzas armadas royales de Inglaterra, y un toro pues me quiero pensar que se refiere a el logo de las fuerzas armadas aereas de E.U.

Ezekiel 1:11 Tal eran las caras, las alas estaban separadas para arriba, cada una con dos alas una de las dos tocando una ala de las creaturas de cada lado. Y dos alas cubriendo el cuerpo de la creatura.

Ahora vemos como Ezekiel explica como las palas del elicoptero ahora estan detenidas. Y talvez haya una separacion entre las cuatro alas, como que se encuentran en pares. Y luego explica que las palas estan como agachadas cubriendo la nave.

Ezekiel 1:13 La aparencia de esta creaturas vivientes era como una bobina quemandose or como antorchas ensendidas, fuego se movia de un lugar a otro entre las creaturas; era brillante y una luz salia de ella.

Ezekiel se refiere ahora a algun tipo de reactor or radiador que sale de los rockets. Y la luz que sale seria el reactor soltando unas cuantas mas rafagas para acomodarse. Como vemos en la fotografia arriba podemos vemos una pequeñas turbinas a los lados.

Ezekiel 1:14 Las creaturas se movian para atras y adelante como destellos de luz.

La nave se revolotea y se mueve para varias direciones, para aterrisar en la posision adecuada.

Ezekiel 1:15 Y al mirar las creaturas vivientes, mire una rueda en el suelo al lado de cada creatura con sus cuatro caras.

Ezekiel por fin mira algo que todos reconocemos ahora en dias, una llanta al lado de las naves. Estas llantas aparecieron el momento que la nave esta aterrizando tal y como lo hacen los helicopteros de estos dias.

Ezekiel 1:24-25 Cuando las creaturas se movian, se escuchaba el sonido de sus alas, como el rugir de las aguas bravas, como la voz del todo poderoso, como el tumulto de un ejercito. Mas cuando estaban paradas, bajaron las alas. Y luego vino una voz de arriba de las cabezas al mismo tiempo que las creaturas estaban detenidas con las alas abajo.

Ahora vemos como Ezekiel describe el sonido de las palas de los elicopteros, y tiene toda la razon, si ponemos atencion cuando estamos cerca de los helicopteros su ruido se escucha como agua de los rios en un caudal fuerte. Y nos menciona como cuando estan parados ese sonido no se escucha mas, pero se escucha una voz que viene de arriba de las cabezas de las creaturas. Tal vez como un altavoz que se encuentra arriba de la nave, entre en medio de las alas y la cabina de control.

Este es un claro ejemplo de algun tipo de inteligencia visitando Ezekiel, ya me doy el lujo de decir que esto fue como un proyecto de las fueras armadas de E.U. estos simbolos descritos son tan conocidos que me quede sorprendido cuando los conecte.
Estas son algunas de las interpretaciones que tiene Ezekiel, claro que nosotros somos libres de interpretarlas como nos guste pero interpretaciones como estas son tan logicas, que no creo que se encuentre mucha diferencia a estas con otras. Les pido que disculpen mi español, yo se que no es bueno y tiene muchos errores.

Y usted que piensa?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The other interpretations of the Holy Bible I.

As humanity now a day we are in the edge of technology and knowledge. We know so much and we don't know more than we think we know. Therefore life keeps changing every day, we have new shows in TV, we have updates in our electronics, we buy better cars, etc. We are always bettering our life.

So now tell me why we keep following a book that was written more than 2,000 years ago. If we were to put down the words that Jesus said 2,000 years ago, I am sure the bible would be thousand times clearer than it's now. 

Few examples; the divine chariot, when we hear this we can imagine a beautiful wooden chariot with beautiful horses flying down from the sky, surrounded with clouds. Of course we can say that if we were alive back in those years, because we did not have other words to explain what we are seen, and because religion was in every aspect of life, people would relate everything to religion. 

Ezekiel 1:16 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel int he middle of a wheel.

What if we see the same thing Ezekiel saw, well now a days we would describe such thing as a some sort of flying device with a ignition on the bottom with a humanoid figure in the middle of some sort of cage made out of wheel. This device can move up, down, left and right defying gravity as nothing we've seen before. 

Nice words to keep that way in order to control the truth of what really happened back in those days. So why don't we try to translate what the book actually says using our knowledge and technology from today.
So why not update the bible once every century? Because we are been controlled, they hide the truth. They thing that their old words look better and sound more beautifully when we all know all they are doing is hiding the truth. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

We are nothing but leeches.

We are just a failed experiment on Earth, we became a virus to the body of Earth. A leech, an organism which no longer contributes to the ecosystem but takes without limits or mercy. We have no longer a destiny here, therefore we shall be destroyed by those whom created us. Also them, our creators will decide if we survive or whom of us will survive.

We were given free will. The spirit which gave us higher reasoning than other species in the planet. And we did not learn how to control our will. We use our free will to hunt our brother animals, to destroy their homes and the worst we use to kill our own human brothers. But the worst use of our free will comes when we use it to destroy our mother Earth. We poison the air, to contaminate the water, we burn the organisms that give us oxygen, we do nothing good to this planet anymore.

Now let’s think for a moment and analyze, do we still have the right to inhabit this planet? Do deserve to be forgiven and kept alive?

I believe the answer right now is NO, and it’s too bad for us that but our creators are still reasoning what will be the best option to keep balance in the planet. We have around four months to make them change their minds. So live, laugh and love until the days come.

The Great Flood, Nephilins and Hittler's goal.

The Great Flood, Nephilins and Hittler's goal.

This is a personal point of view, do not get offended and keep an open mind by the ideas herein.

So while hearing the bible on my audio books application, I heard something that got my attention. Which started with;

Numbers 13:33; We even saw giants there, Nephilins the descendants of Anak. And we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."

Now let me put this in plain words; In old times there were GIANTS the decedents of Anak(strong and tall, sons of God which also means long neck). And we felt like an insects in front of them(in height wise) and they saw us like small insects too. When we say giant we also refer to Nephilims. Now this happens when God sent the 12 spies of the 12 tribes of Israel to scout the lands of Canaan.

Genesis 6:4;"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

In plain words; Nephilim were on Earth and they still are. They were a race mix between sons of God and daughters or men. And they were great men and well know. Probably the were heroes and powerful people. Goliath maybe?

Were Anaks something like this?

Nephilins closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. By blond we mean blue eyes and of course blond hair. Was this what Hittler wanted to revive? He was probably driven by a secret, a Nordic society which was trying re-create Aryan race by using the law of the fittest?. Does that mean that Jewish, enemies of the Aryan or Nephilins?

2 Peter 2:4; For if God spared not the angels who had sinned, but having cast them down to the deepest pit of gloom has delivered them to chains of darkness to be kept for judgment.

Genesis 6:5-6; And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."

Judes 6:10; I said to you, 'I am the LORD your God; do not worship the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you live.' But you have not listened to me."

Okay so now, God sent his sons to Earth for bearing with unholy race(hybrids?), human and angel blood. These new race were Nephilians living on Earth casted as unholy but living on a good land. So God took the land from them and give to the Israel people. But Israelis sinned(reproduce) with the Nephilins so God got furious and as result he sent his wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".

It all makes sense why some people swore they saw alien saucers attacking the German forces in WWII. It makes sense what Hittler was trying to do, get rid of a gen pole that Jewish people is carrying, BUT WHY? We do not know but this makes me think whom or what has been the real reason for WWII. Maybe the ancient fight for this planet since God arrived has been going ever since but in different ways. Still going on now a days in the Middle East.

In another perspective this is what I think it happened; When Anu(God) sent his sons(angels) to earth to mine for gold. His sons were lazy so they created humans to do the labor work. Once he find out they had made this race between angels and humans he got mad and sent them back to Earth. Once this fallen angels were on Earth they revealed against God. And separated in different parts to live on Earth. 

After some time some of his sons kept engineering humans others just liked to be appraised by regular humans. Once got noticed that some of his sons, in Egypt were slaving humans he took the humans away and set them in a land were another of his sons lived. These sons kept experimenting with human and unholy DNA. So the people living there were giants. So he took the land from them and gave it to the Israel people. He trusted that his humans would not commit the same sin his sons did by reproducing with other races. But one way or another the Nephilins stayed close or hidden in the promised land. So Israelis sinned with the Nephilins. And Anu got furious and he sent the great flood. This is just my interpretation which I am always open to change after hearing good and based ideas.