Sunday, August 26, 2012

We are nothing but leeches.

We are just a failed experiment on Earth, we became a virus to the body of Earth. A leech, an organism which no longer contributes to the ecosystem but takes without limits or mercy. We have no longer a destiny here, therefore we shall be destroyed by those whom created us. Also them, our creators will decide if we survive or whom of us will survive.

We were given free will. The spirit which gave us higher reasoning than other species in the planet. And we did not learn how to control our will. We use our free will to hunt our brother animals, to destroy their homes and the worst we use to kill our own human brothers. But the worst use of our free will comes when we use it to destroy our mother Earth. We poison the air, to contaminate the water, we burn the organisms that give us oxygen, we do nothing good to this planet anymore.

Now let’s think for a moment and analyze, do we still have the right to inhabit this planet? Do deserve to be forgiven and kept alive?

I believe the answer right now is NO, and it’s too bad for us that but our creators are still reasoning what will be the best option to keep balance in the planet. We have around four months to make them change their minds. So live, laugh and love until the days come.

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